Helping to heal the hurts of children and teens through words & writing, poems & pictures

If your child is struggling due to stress, grief, behavioral issues, or big life questions, they may not be sure who they are. Sometimes it’s more than low self esteem, but a lack of self… an inability to figure out what they like, what they’re good at, or even what their favorite food is.

Help your child along. Give her or him a few questions to answer or writing prompts or drawing assignments about themselves. Don’t use these as opportunities to tell your child that their self-perceptions are incorrect or should change. Instead, thank them for sharing and suggest they tell you more, either through writing or talking. The goal is just to give them a deeper sense of who they are, a deeper sense of self, and ultimately, improved self-esteem.

Suggest one or more of the following to your child:

  • Draw a picture of yourself.
  • Draw a picture of you and your family.
  • When it’s sunny, I like to __________.
  • My favorite place to go for vacation is __________.
  • I love to eat __________.
  • My feet like to __________.
  • I’d like to invent __________.
  • If I could make a movie it would be called __________.
  • I’d like to write a book about __________.
  • Someday, I hope I can __________.
  • Write about a time you were helpful and how it made you feel.
  • Write about a time you were sad and why.
  • Imagine you could go back in history. Who would you like to meet and what would you ask that person?

A child writing about himself or herself could be a one-time activity, or you could get them a journal and have them write one thing every day about themselves. Remember, the idea is not for you to try and change how they think about themselves or to dispute what they write, but rather to give them new opportunities to  think about who they are and who they would like to be, developing an improved sense of self.


Kid’s Health: Developing Your Child’s Self Esteem

Oh, The Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss

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